Right from their conception, Hirschmann laboratory instruments are developed to ensure that they are not only efficient and user-friendly during use. Subsequent cleaning and sterilisation should also be easy and effective. Different cleaning and sterilisation procedures are employed in lab routines, depending on the material involved and usage.
With rea cleaning products, Hirschmann has developed its own range of special cleaning agents.
Regular cleaning is one of the prerequisite for the long service life of laboratory instruments. Detailed cleaning instructions are contained in the respective operating manual.
We have also summarised a few general tips here.
Cleaning of volumetric measuring devices made of glass
1. Wiping and scrubbing: cleaning is realised with a sponge or cloth soaked in cleaning solution.
2. Immersion bath: volumetric measuring devices made of glass are immersed in a cleaning solution in this procedure. This is usually realised for 20 to 30 minutes at room temperature. The devices are then rinsed with tap water, followed by distilled water.
Longer exposure times should be avoided in the case of volumetric measuring devices made of glass for temperatures over 70°C, as this can destroy the labelling.
Machine cleaning of volumetric measuring devices made of glass in a laboratory washing machine is less aggressive than manual cleaning in an immersion bath, as the devices only come into contact with the cleaning solution during the relatively short rinsing phases.
Cleaning of liquid handling devices
You should first pay attention to your own safety. Put on protective clothing, safety glasses and protective gloves prior to commencing cleaning.
Devices must be cleaned:
after dispensing of reagents whose use is restricted
prior to changing reagent
prior to sterilisation
prior to replacing suction / ejection or recirculation valves
if the piston unit has seized
prior to longer storage periods
When cleaning devices or parts thereof, point openings (e.g. of suction hoses, ejection units, glass cylinders and valves) away from the body to avoid contact with any residual reagents which could emerge.
Terminate the current dispensing procedure, fit the closure cap and deactivate the device prior to cleaning.
If it is necessary to dismantle and reassemble parts of the device for cleaning, ensure that the seals are not damaged. Dies könnte sonst zu einer Undichtigkeit des Systems führen.This could otherwise cause leaks in the system.
Please refer to the operating manual with regard to the exact steps to take for individual devices.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Get in touch with us:
Phone +49 7134 511-0