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Cleaning – Sterilisation

A short overview

Cleaning and sterilisation of laboratory instruments

Hirschmann laboratory instruments were designed to ensure that, in addition to being efficient and user-friendly when utilised, subsequent cleaning and sterilisation can be realised easily and effectively. Different cleaning and sterilisation procedures are employed in lab routines, depending on the material involved and usage.

With rea cleaning products, Hirschmann has its own range of special cleaning agents.

Steam sterilisation of volumetric measuring devices

Laboratory devices that come into contact with infectious substances should be sterilised with steam to protect the users and ensure that a risk of infection no longer emanates from the device itself.

The following should be noted:
Contaminated laboratory instruments must be cleaned thoroughly prior to steam sterilisation. In order to ensure effective steam sterilisation, it is important to note that this work is performed with saturated steam and that the steam has unimpeded access to all contaminated parts of the device.

Specifications in the operating manual should be heeded in the case of laboratory instruments with plastic components (volumetric measuring devices with pistons).

Sterilisation temperature: 120°C, exposure time: min. 20 minutes

Cleaning of volumetric measuring devices made of glass

Manual cleaning

1. Wiping and scrubbing: cleaning is realised with a sponge or cloth soaked in cleaning solution.

2. Immersion bath: volumetric measuring devices made of glass are immersed in a cleaning solution in this procedure. This is usually realised for 20 to 30 minutes at room temperature. The devices are then rinsed with tap water, followed by distilled water.

Longer exposure times over 70°C should be avoided in the case of volumetric measuring devices made of glass, as this can destroy the labelling.

Machine cleaning

Machine cleaning of volumetric measuring devices made of glass in a laboratory washing machine is less aggressive than manual cleaning in an immersion bath, as the devices only come into contact with the cleaning solution during the relatively short rinsing phases.

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Cleaning of
liquid handling devices

You should first pay attention to your own safety.
Put on protective clothing, safety glasses and protective gloves prior to commencing cleaning.

Devices must be cleaned:

When cleaning devices or parts thereof, point openings (e.g. of suction hoses, ejection units, glass cylinders and valves) away from the body to avoid contact with any residual reagents which could emerge.

Terminate the current dispensing procedure, fit the closure cap and deactivate the device prior to cleaning.

If it is necessary to dismantle and reassemble parts of the device for cleaning, ensure that the seals are not damaged. Dies könnte sonst zu einer Undichtigkeit des Systems führen.This could otherwise cause leaks in the system. Please refer to the operating manual with regard to the exact steps to take for individual devices.

If you have any further questions about cleaning, we will be happy to answer them.

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